Shop online the smart way and get the best deals with help from Price Spy.
Use Price Spy to track the price of an online product from any store.
Simply launch Price Spy, enter a store URL or search for a product. Navigate to a stores product page and hit the SPY button. Now let Price Spy notify you when the price of the product changes.
Once you have started using Price Spy you will see just how much prices fluctuate on websites. With this information you can shop smarter and determine the best time to buy the products you want from the stores you want to get them from.
Use Price Spy to save money when doing your Christmas or Birthday gift shopping. Price Spy will notify you when prices drop so you can work out the best time to buy and save money.
If you have any problems using Price Spy or have any feedback please get in touch using the little bug icon in the top right hand corner of the app.
Happy Shopping!